364 Boston Turnpike Road
Shrewsbury, MA 0545
(508) 425-3300
Other mobile locations Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York: Acton, Amherst, E.Harwich, Framingham, Holland, Orleans, Petersham, Sandwich, Shrewsbury, Sudbury, Waltham,
W. Bridgewater, Portsmouth N.H., Londonderry N.H., Chatham N.Y.

Body Thermography for Early Detection of Disease
Take Charge of Your Health Before the Symptoms Appear
Full Body or Area of Interest Screening
Thousands of people in the United States have taken advantage of Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging. This clinical screening is supported by 30 years of research and over 8,000 published medical studies. DITI measures the amount of heat being emitted from the body due to the inflammatory process in the area being studied. Surface temperature of the human body is symmetrical (virtually the same on both sides) and is a reflection of the control by the Sympathetic Nervous System. Inflammation at any tissue depth will be recorded by the sympathetic fibers in the nerve supply to that area. This information will be processed through the Central Nervous System which will cause a sympathetic response in the area of skin corresponding to the affected site. Thermography screening does not involve physical contact, is 100% safe, radiation free, and will take approximately 30-60 minutes depending on the number of regions of the body to be studied.

Immune System



Heart Disease

It is the only screening method available that measures physiological changes over time whereas other screening methods measure anatomical changes. Thermography provides early detection of the disease process which can increase chances for a healthier outcome.
Image a Region of Interest (ROI) or the Whole Body.
Head and Neck
Shoulders and Arms
Spine and Torso
Hips and Legs
Medical DITI may be useful in detecting or monitoring the following:
Back Injuries
Nerve Damage
Unexplained Pain
Dental and TMJ
Breast Disease
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Disc Disease
Inflammatory Pain
Skin Cancer
Referred Pain Syndrome
Thyroid Dysfunction
Artery Inflammation
Vascular Disease
Physical Therapy
Stroke Screening
Digestive Disorders
and many others...
Whole Body Thermography for Monitoring and Addressing Health BY MATTHEW ROBINSON AND SUE SAARI
From Natural Awakenings Boston January 2014
In the not-so-distant past, people were afraid to learn about developing health problems because they felt powerless to change the outcome. Fortunately, that scenario is changing, as educated and aware patients begin to partner with doctors in managing their health. When people appreciate the extent to which their actions can positively affect their health, then fear, which is one of the greatest impediments to healing, can be replaced with the motivation to make healthier choices.
Medical knowledge and technological innovations have also advanced rapidly during the last century. One of the newer diagnostic tools available to those seeking information about their health is Digital Infrared Thermal Imag-ing (DITI), or thermography. DITI is a simple, safe, non-invasive, inexpensive test of the body’s physiology that offers clinically significant information without side effects. DITI can detect physiological dysfunction in any area of the body relating to inflammatory, neurological, vascular or musculoskeletal problems. By noting and monitoring changes in these systems, patients and their health care practitioners can respond by creating personalized wellness programs.
Thermography uses medical thermal imaging cameras to detect and record heat patterns radiating from the body’s surface. These heat patterns, which result from changes in blood flow to the skin, reflect sympathetic nervous system responses to abnormal biological activity. Such responses can point to any dysfunction, injury or pathology in the body. Once DITI images are taken, the thermal scans are interpreted by specially trained medical doctors.
While news has been growing about thermography’s use in detecting breast cancer, whole body thermography can reveal functional changes taking place throughout the entire person. The conditions that a full body thermogram can expose range from cardiovascular problems, to gastrointestinal issues such as diverticulitis, to urogenital abnormalities. By becoming aware of these issues, people have the opportunity to rebalance their systems by implementing proactive changes in lifestyle, nutrition and complementary therapies.
Thermography can also provide objective evidence about the type and extent of an injury or other structural problem, which can shorten the path to finding the best treatment.
Additionally, thermography offers an inexpensive way to follow the effectiveness of traditional or alternative medical interventions. This is especially important with complex or chronic conditions, when it can be difficult to assess how well a treatment is working. Comparing thermal scans over time can determine the effectiveness of a treatment plan.
Finally, the information obtained from a thermogram can help to rule out the need for more invasive tests or procedures or, conversely, provide greater justification for them.
Matthew Robinson and Sue Saari are coowners of Metrowest Thermal Imaging. Both are licensed acupuncturists, and Saari is also a certified thermographer. For more information, call 781-899- 2121 or visit MyThermography.com.
This article appears in the January 2014 issue of Natural Awakenings Boston